Saturday, 10 November 2007

Passed: MSc eLT

Good grief. I only bloody passed!

Not only have I been having all this fun within this blog but I have also crafted my dissertation allied to much of the information posted here - though, with a little less cheek. The result of the examination board is that I have earned a Distinction, of which I am justly proud and for which I am allowing a touch of zing in my step and care walking through doorways for fear of entrapping my head.

The financial and spiritual investment in such further education should not be taken lightly but I'd recommend it to everyone. My most excellent tutor (Terry King) sagely told me last year that I didn't appreciate the "passport" the MSc would represent. In truth, not only has it assisted me in falling into a new career but it's opening the potential to new avenues of study and consultancy.

Thank you

All thanks to those that made it possible within my class and within the tutor and support staff of the University of Portsmouth and especially the School of Computing.

Thank you to my clients' corporate support from (then) DMETA: the individuals who contributed generously by allowing me to talk ideas through and have ideas bounced back, especially as a stranger.

  • Linton, if you were as good a tech author as you are a biker I'd never have made it this far.
  • Steve Searby, that 'phone call to UoP in 2002!

A full list of the helpful is in the acknowledgements section in the Dissertation. If I've missed anyone deserving I still can't thank you enough (in the space I have).

Blog Future

The real joy is that where I have experienced a certain degree of insecurity for my ideas and reports of my forays into varying lines of the exploration of visualization and learning I can now feel relief that I have not entirely lost the plot.

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